Record Family History: Store

Genealogy/Family History Research and Report

Get your family history research started or investigate a particular mystery.  Start with a 10-hour package which includes preparation of a report stating what has been searched with both positive and negative results.

Contact Me to have an initial conversation about your goals and to schedule.

10 hour Genealogy Research Package

Purchase 10 hours of research and report

Family History Research

Return to Genealogy Services

Oral History Interviews - Tell your Life Story

Buy a single interview to see how you like it.  Or, buy multiple interviews to allow for a more complete story to be told.  Before purchasing, please read How do Life Story Interviews Work.  When we discuss scheduling the interview(s), you can decide whether to conduct them over the phone, over Zoom or in person. 

Contact Me to have an initial conversation about your goals and to schedule.

1 Interview with price

Purchase 50-minute oral history interviews with a raw transcription.

Click on down arrow below to choose 1, 3 or 6 interview blocks.   

Oral History Interview

Return to Why is Oral History Important

Photo Collection Organizing

Any of us who have inherited, or foresee inheriting, a collection of photos, slides, documents and media, know how overwhelming it can be to contemplate organizing the collection and bringing some order to the mass of material.  Can the space it takes up be reduced? With your participation, to the extent you can and want, Record Family History can take the burden from you and make the collection usable, shareable and something to give pleasure instead of guilt and frustration.

Contact Me to have an initial conversation about your goals and to schedule.

In-Home Consultation and Collection Pickup

Photo Organizing Consultation and Pick up

The first consultation in your home takes about 3 hours after you have brought your whole collection to one place.  We list and photograph every container that will leave the premises, discuss the options for how to handle albums and loose photos, for example.  We discuss how you would like to have the items organized.  We create a list of family members and dates of various events - you can do this in advance using a standard form.  Further ongoing communication will be discussed with your favoured method of contact. 

Purchase a 3-hour in-home consultation and pickup of your collection.

10 Hour Photo Organizing Package

It is often difficult to know how long it will take to organize a collection of photos, slides, albums, documents, media and all the other items that you might have inherited or received as a gift from a family member.  Therefore, we can start with a 10-hour block of time.  Record Family History will report back on what has been accomplished and how long each stage of the project is taking.  At each point in the process, you can decide whether to continue or take a break.  It can take many hours to complete a project - as much as thousands of dollars.  You can commit 10 hours at a time.

Purchase a 10 hour Photo Organizing Package.

10 Hour Photo Organizing Package

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