Genealogy Services

More than 30 years of doing genealogical research in Canada, especially Quebec and New Brunswick and back to England and Scotland, have prepared me to help others with their own research both online and at archival centres. Below you can see a list of some of the genealogy services on offer.

For more information about my experience, please see my "About Me" page.

Genealogy Services: Research

Book a Free 30-minute Initial Consultation

Research Review (1 hour)

Send me a summary of the work that has been conducted previously, preferably with copies of documents or reports you have. It is important not to have to waste time searching again for information you already have.  I will look over what you have and consider whether and where to look further. We can discuss further research and if you choose, you can hire me to do it for you.

$50 (see note for currency)

In-depth Genealogy Research

You may have a mystery on your hands:
What happened to a particular family member? What country did your ancestors come from before coming to North America? Approximately when did your family arrive?  Can we find a passenger list that they arrived on?  Searches may take a number of hours to find that elusive answer.  And, there is no guarantee that I can find the exact answer you are looking for.  But, I promise that I will dig deeply and report back to you the places searched and information found.  

Perhaps you would like to search a particular line back as far as possible.  Normally, in the course of researching, an online tree is also created to keep information sorted.

What you get –

  •  Report of research results (digital file)
  •  Research log with list of resulting documents (digital file)
  •  Digital copy of all documents found

Hourly Rate:  $65 (minimum of 10 hours per session)

BICA Research

British Immigration and Colonization Association Letterhead

A search of Home Child files for your British Immigration and Colonization Association (BICA) boy.  (Notes on how to conduct your own research)  

You may have found out that a young man in the family came to Canada with BICA and wonder what became of him.  Or, perhaps he returned to the UK and you wonder what he did while in Canada.  I have spent many hours going through BICA files and noting references to individual boys.  Boys were usually mentioned when there were difficulties with him or his placements.

$65 per hour

Organize Your Paper or Digital (Genealogy) Files

"I have years of research on paper"

Ah, yes.  If  you're like me, you've been researching for years and you have piles of paper that you've printed out and notes and information from other people, original documents and photos, photos, photos! 

Me too.  When the pandemic started, (I know, we all want to forget about the worst of that period) it occurred to me that I had mountains of paper and files, folders, and photos somewhat organized.  But...God forbid that I got sick and the information would be left to my kids to sort out.  It would be too overwhelming for them and they wouldn't know what was what.  I know what would happen to it: dumpster.  They can't see the value in something that is not organized and clear.  And maybe they're not yet at the stage in life where they are interested.

Genealogy binders with name stickers

In 2020, my organization project began in earnest.  I'm partial to binders over folders.  Here is what part of my system looks like now.  

The binders on the upper shelf are dark blue and represent my mother's side of the family.

The lower shelf holds black binders which represent my father's side of the family.  

The beautiful caligraphy names were created by my daughter with her cricut.

Although I still keep paper files, all my documents, photos and trees are also digitized and organized on my home computer and saved to the cloud and large genealogy websites.  Digital files are so much easier to share.

Create an online Family Tree

Family History Records imageSamples of what can be done once your family information is saved to a software program: Family Group Record (left), Online tree at Ancestry (background, right) and a Pedigree Chart created on Canva (foreground, right)

Is all your genealogical information on paper, but you would like to be able to add your tree to your online DNA or to be readily able to print reports?  Once your genealogical information is entered in a genealogy software program,  the tree can be saved on your computer, to genealogy websites and shared with others easily as a GEDCOM file.  My preferred genealogy software is Family Tree Maker by MacKiev which can be "synced" to your Ancestry account. 

By saving your information to a computer, in many cases you can reduce your paper files. 

Inquiries:  Book a Free Initial Genealogy Consultation

Arrange 1 FREE 30-minute conversation to discuss the kind of help you need with either your genealogical research.  Feel free to contact me to discuss what other Genealogy Services I can provide to you.

Note:  Fees for Canadian clients paying by e-transfer, cash or cheque are in Canadian dollars.  All others pay in US dollars.

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