Record Family History

Record Family History is all about helping you get your family history records and stories in order, to best be able to leave a legacy for your children, grandchildren and extended family. Are you the family's keeper? Make sure it's passed on in a way that doesn't overwhelm those who take over.

Colin Lovatt

Colin Lovatt at Ashfield

Colin Lovatt, the son of a prosperous family,came to Canada as a BICA Boy to work as an agricultural labourer. He returned to the UK.

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Such an adventure!

Passenger Booklet pages from Empress of Scotland crossing to Quebec City in June 1930

When I was eleven my family emigrated to Canada. We travelled on the Empress of England from Liverpool to Montreal. I believe we left England on April

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Photo Manager Certification

To receive photo manager certification and be recognized as such by The Photo Managers, a process needs to be followed with the help of a client.

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Looking for Interviewees

Up to 3 individuals have the opportunity to be interviewed for free on Zoom, May 20th or May 21st. Contact me to find out more.

Printed Photo Organization

Printed Photos slides negatives organization

Printed photo organization can be a challenge if you have years of photos going back 50 to 100 years. If you are the family archivist, it a big responsibilty.

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